Pieces of the Puzzle Learned at the International Permaculture Congress (IPC) 11 in Havana & Los Cocos, Cuba 2013
by Randall Jamrok
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‘Permaculture Solutions to Climate Change’ is a booklet I wrote based on my recent experience in Cuba at the International Permaculture Congress 11. The theme of the conference was ‘Permaculture Solutions to Climate Change.’ Part of my reasoning for attending the conference in Cuba was that I would bring the permaculture solutions to climate change I learned back to my community and to the greater Midwest. I hope to do that using this booklet.
The booklet is meant to be a way to provide a framework for people new to permaculture to begin implementing solutions for their community, as well as communities already involved in implementing solutions to assess their actions. The booklet stresses the importance of collective / community solutions over individual actions. It includes five main solutions and sixty seven additional solutions for communities to implement that are presented in a checklist-style format which can be used to prioritize and set goals. This 20-page booklet is unique in that it is a tool communities can use for taking on collective projects that will effect systemic change.
I am offering a downloadable e-booklet online, but I think it is also important to make a print version available to distribute to people face-to-face in presentations and planning meetings. Therefore, I will print using the Chicago Press Corporation which is a union shop (fair share) and follows a number of sustainable practices to reduce their environmental footprint (care of planet).
I am planning on printing the booklets for these three main uses:
- Presentations: To use as a resource in sharing my experience from the IPC Cuba in presentations for groups throughout the Midwest (I plan to do about twenty presentations this year);
- Internet: For people who come across the booklet via internet and wish to use it in their communities to collectively implement sustainable or regenerative systems and who would want a good-quality hard copy (as opposed to an e-book);
- Community: For groups in my community that may be interested in using the booklet (e.g., gardening, environmental, social justice, or other organizations).
The contributions will go towards production, editing, printing, postage, and a percentage from each contribution will go to support 219 GreenConnect, a platform for building green networks in Northwest Indiana.
I am happy to be able to achieve my goal of sharing this much needed knowledge with my community.

Thanks for supporting this project!
Randall Jamrok
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Want more information or need help with a permaculture design project? Email Randy.
Learn more:
- 219 GreenConnect podcast interview 1/24/14
- Sustainable Indiana 2016 webinar: Sustainable Hoosier Homesteads
Hi can i subscribe for a free copy if i live in Aus?