GinaGina Miller is a busy lady! She not only works full-time (plus), but also manages to volunteer for several local environmental groups. She has recently begun curating volunteer opportunities so others can more easily participate. She posts volunteer opportunities on a Facebook page and also shares them with 219 GreenConnect’s Facebook page as well.

Sarah Weaver (past 219 GreenConnect intern and article contributor) now runs stewardship volunteer days for Save the Dunes. I had the opportunity to work with Sarah, Gina, Nancy Moldenhauer from Michigan City Green Drinks and several others at a Save the Dunes Stewardship event held at Stockwell Woods in Long Beach. Sarah decided to put a culinary spin on this particular stewardship event — we gathered Dame’s Rocket as well as Garlic Mustard, which both happen to be not only invasive, but also edible!

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