Late April’s rain has showered the Indiana Dunes State Park with signs of springs throughout the fields, forests, and wetlands in the park. Rumor has it that the first morel mushroom was found this week, as well as the first hummingbirds to the Nature Center feeders. A plethora of unique programming can be found during May to whet that natural appetite.

Once again, enjoy these signs of spring in the coming weeks in the park:

May 1: Blueberries in flower along the park’s trails.

May 3: “Leaf out” of the forest canopy begins.

May 5: Morel mushrooms are popping. You can almost hear them on warm days.

May 8: Whippoorwills can be heard calling in the high dunes behind the campgrounds and Nature Center. Visit during the full moon.

May 10: Wild Lupine starts flowering in the dune savannas.

May 12: Warbler migration hits its peak movement.

May 20: Check out May apples, phlox, and hoary puccoon in flower.

May 25: Barred owl babies can be heard “sipping” in the woodlands at dusk.

May 31: Deer begin dropping fawns, keep your eyes out.

Here’s a quick glimpse at some of the fun programs coming up this month:

  • Saturday, May 7– 2 p.m. Radar Ornithology Discover the amazing science of bird migration using everyday weather radar. We’ll show you how to track the migrating birds from home and show you the amazing magnitude of the dunes bird migration. Meet in the Nature Center Auditorium.
  • Sunday, May 8 – 9:30 a.m. Wonderful Warblers with Mom Meet at the Wilson Shelter for a peak at the migrating warblers of Indiana Dunes. By this date, many species will be moving north, and those staying will have just begun nest building. We’ll also visit the local red-shouldered hawk nest. Bring your mom, binoculars, or borrow a pair of ours (the binoculars, not the mom).
  • Saturday, March 28 – 7:30 p.m. Pavilion Sunset History Tour Meet the park interpreter for a view of Indiana’s best sunset. We’ll meet in front of the beach pavilion for a look at this unique Indiana icon, a special tour, and then we’ll head to the top for a great sunset. It’s a one of a kind way to enjoy an evening on the beach.

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The complete May Interpretive Schedule can be found at:

The Indiana Dunes State Park Interpretive Services

To contact the Interpretive Service of Indiana Dunes State Park directly call (219) 926-1390 or


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