June is Lake Michigan Coastal Awareness Month. The Gary Storm Water Management District (GSWMD) in collaboration with the City of Gary Department of Green Urbanism invites you to participate in our 8th annual Clean Water Celebration!!
Thursday, June 28, 2012 at 5:30 p.m.
Marquette Park Pavilion – Gary, Indiana
Our guest speaker is Dr. Susan Hedman, who was appointed by President Barack Obama to be EPA Region 5 Administrator in 2010. She directs EPA’s operations in the six-state Great Lakes region, which includes Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, as well as 35 federally recognized tribal governments. One of her most important roles is that of Great Lakes National Program manager, which oversees restoration and protection of the largest freshwater system in the world.
5:30 – 6:45 Networking Cocktail Reception
7:00 – 8:30 Dinner & Keynote Speakers:
The Honorable Karen Freeman-Wilson, Mayor
Dr. Susan Hedman, Administrator, U.S. EPA Region 5
8:30 – 9:00 Awards Ceremony & Special Recognition
9:00 – 9:15 Closing Remarks
If your organization would like to purchase tickets, please RSVP by email to bhenry@ci.gary.in.us. We will need name of organization, number of attendees, and any special accommodations. Your tickets can be mailed or reserved at the registration table. Seating is limited so please make arrangements early.
Feel free to contact Lauren Riga, Director or Brenda Scott Henry, Outreach Coordinator at (219) 882-3000 if you have any questions or concerns.